Gifts of life insurance: Securing your charitable future

Gifts of life insurance: Securing your charitable future

You’re likely well aware of the important role life insurance can play in your estate and financial plans. Indeed, more than half of GenX and Baby Boomers hold life insurance policies, and annual payouts from these policies total nearly $800 billion! What you might...
Doubling down: More good in your retirement years

Doubling down: More good in your retirement years

If you’ve reached or are nearing retirement age, you may be evaluating how charitable giving fits into your life in a bigger way than it did during your working years. If you’ve found that you have more time, more money, or both, now that work and raising children are...
Charitable tax tips for the road ahead

Charitable tax tips for the road ahead

No doubt you are reading plenty about potential tax planning strategies in an uncertain post-election environment. Now is a great time to lean on the team at the community foundation as you work with your attorney, CPA, and financial advisor to determine whether and...

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