Summer reading that’s worth a forward

Summer reading that’s worth a forward

Every week, the team at the community foundation works with a wide range of charitably-minded individuals and families who are either already working with the community foundation or are considering establishing a donor-advised or other type of fund to organize their...
Philanthropy: It’s not one size fits all

Philanthropy: It’s not one size fits all

Charitable giving traditions are a big part of many peoples’ lives. The ways philanthropic values translate into action and behavior, however, vary widely from person to person. And that’s a good thing! When you align your charitable giving activities with your own...
Philanthropy: A team sport

Philanthropy: A team sport

At first glance, you may think of charitable giving as mostly an individual act. Certainly, most of the time, the actual money or asset that constitutes the charitable donation comes from a single person, couple, or entity. Beyond that, though, it likely makes sense...
Philanthropy snapshot: A global priority with local impact

Philanthropy snapshot: A global priority with local impact

Summertime can mean vacations, travel, a slower (or at least different) pace, and time to reflect. This year, our team is thinking quite a bit about the significant role of philanthropy across the world and how that widespread enthusiasm drives so much energy for...

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