Scholarship Funds

Scholarship funds are established by a donor to provide scholarships for both traditional and non-traditional educational opportunities. Currently, all of our scholarship funds support scholarships that are administered and awarded through other nonprofit organizations or educational institutions.
We do not currently accept scholarship applications at the Community Foundation of the Northern Shenandoah Valley.
Clint A. Nichols Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Clint A. Nichols Memorial Scholarship has been established to be given in Clint’s honor to a chosen John Handley High School senior who has been nominated by their Guidance Counselor. The recipient should possess similar character traits; love of life, Handley Pride, and the community citizenship Clint held close to his heart.
Dr. Craig Zunka and JoEllen McNeal Scholarship: Warren County High Schools
Dr. Craig Zunka and JoEllen McNeal of Warren County, Virginia established this scholarship fund to assist graduating students of Warren County high schools with post-secondary education. Scholarships are administered and awarded by Warren County High Schools.
Donate to the Dr. Craig Zunka and JoEllen McNeal Scholarship Fund
Dutton Family Foundation (In Memory of David and Kathy Dutton) Fund: City of Winchester, Frederick County
Dave and Kathy were the epitome of hard-working, community focused, altruistic individuals and all fundraising efforts will be geared towards our mission of providing support to local student-athletes that best parallel these principles.
Donate to the Dutton Family Foundation (In Memory of David and Kathy Dutton) Fund
Eastham/Boyles Community Leadership Scholarship: Front Royal/Warren County Chamber of Commerce
Named for two outstanding leaders in the Front Royal-Warren County community, the Eastham/Boyles Community Leadership Scholarship aims to ensure the opportunity for future leaders of Front Royal/Warren County, through its school system, to interact with current leaders of our community. Awards are based on the applicant’s interest in continuing education, participation and leadership in school and community activities, and a reputation for good citizenship and moral character. The Front Royal/Warren County Chamber of Commerce administers and awards this scholarship.
Donate to the Eastham/Boyles Community Leadership Scholarship Fund
Elaine Bromfield Memorial Scholarship: Front Royal Women’s Resource Center
The Elaine Bromfield Memorial Scholarship Fund is named in honor of long-time Warren County supporter and a passionate advocate for women’s rights. The Front Royal Women’s Resource Center administers and awards this scholarship, which is awarded to women in financial need for courage and determination to pursue educational training that will lead towards self-sufficiency.
Helping Hands of Clarke County Scholarship: Helping Hands of Clarke County
Helping Hands Scholarship Fund was established several years ago to assist graduating students of Clarke County High School to continue their education at a university or technical school. Helping Hands of Clarke County administers and awards this scholarship.
Donate to the Helping Hands of Clarke County Scholarship Fund
Lance Corporal David E. Owens Memorial Scholarship: Lord Fairfax Community College
This fund was created to honor, memorialize, and pay tribute to Winchester native David E. Owens, a US Marine who lost his life while serving in Iraq. The fund was created to provide scholarships for students at Lord Fairfax Community College with a selection emphasis on veterans and their children.
Donate to the Lance Corporal David E. Owens Memorial Scholarship Fund
Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship of the Winchester NAACP: Winchester NAACP
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Fund of the Winchester NAACP provides an annual scholarship to a needy and deserving African-American student chosen by the Winchester NAACP. The Winchester NAACP administers and awards this scholarship.
Donate to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship of the Winchester NAACP Fund
Mary Washington Memorial Scholarship: Handley High School
Created by Bruce and Donna Downing in memory of a dear friend and employee of the family, this fund provides financial assistance to college-bound African-American students graduating from Handley High School. The Handley High School Scholarship Committee administers and awards this scholarship.
Pamela McInnis Scholarship: Warren County Public Schools
The Pamela McInnis Scholarship Fund was established in honor of the retired superintendent of Warren County Schools. It is awarded annually to a deserving Warren County high school student to pursue a non-traditional educational, training or certificate program. The scholarship is administered and awarded by the Blue Ridge Technical Center.
Rotary Club of Front Royal Student-Athlete of the Year: Rotary Club of Front Royal
This local civic club has established this fund to annually recognize an outstanding athlete from Warren County Public Schools. The top female athlete award is named in honor of Heidi Moore and the top male athlete for John Marlow. Recipients shall have demonstrated a commitment to excellence in athletics in individual or team sports and have made a lasting contribution to their school and the FR-WC community. The Rotary Club of Front Royal administers and awards this scholarship.
Donate to the Rotary Club of Front Royal Student-Athlete of the Year Fund
Shell Harris Memorial Scholarship Fund: Skyline High School & Warren County High School
Shell Harris had a passion for the arts, design and writing. This fund was established by Harriet Harris to honor Shell’s memory by providing scholarships to graduating students from Skyline High School and Warren County High School who plan to pursue the study of art, design or creative writing.
Wells Fargo Warren County VA Public Schools Scholarship: Warren County High Schools
Wells Fargo awards a two-year scholarship to students with demonstrated need from Warren County, VA public high schools who attend a Virginia Community College pursuing a business degree. The scholarships are awarded through the Warren County High Schools.
Donate to the Wells Fargo Warren County VA Public Schools Scholarship Fund